Workshops & Training

Getting It Together!

Establishing goals and objectives with Competency and Knowledge

The Capacity Building workshops and training offered by the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Village and Community Councils (TTAVCC) aims to build the capacity of the Village and Community Councils, as well as the individuals and organizations within the communities served by the TTAVCC.

Community Leadership Training

This workshop targets individuals within the communities served by the TTAVCC who have demonstrated leadership potential.

Organizational Development

This workshop targets all members of the communities served by the TTAVCC.

Community Engagement

This workshop targets organizations within the communities served by the TTAVCC, such as non-profits, businesses, and community groups.

Service Before Self

TTAVCC Capacity Building Workshops

The following are the primary workshops that are included in the TTAVCC’s Capacity Building program, along with their target demographics, prospective partners, potential outcomes, and a list of functions.

This TTAVCC workshop provides training and mentoring to help participants develop their leadership skills and become more effective community leaders. Prospective partners for this project includes local secondary schools, universities, and non-profit organizations. Potential outcomes include an increase in the number of effective community leaders, as well as stronger connections between community members and their leaders.

Functions of this project include:

  • Identifying individuals with leadership potential
  • Providing training and mentoring to develop leadership skills
  • Facilitating connections between community members and their leaders
  • Measuring the impact of the training on the effectiveness of community leaders

This TTAVCC workshop provides support and resources to help community-based organizations grow and become more effective in serving their communities. Prospective partners for this project includes local government agencies, foundations, and private corporations. Potential outcomes include an increase in the number of effective organizations within the communities, as well as stronger partnerships between these organizations and the TTAVCC.

Functions of this project include:

  • Identifying organizations in need of support
  • Providing resources and expertise to help organizations grow
  • Facilitating partnerships between organizations and the TTAVCC
  • Measuring the impact of the support on the effectiveness of organizations

This TTAVCC workshop aims to increase engagement between community members and their Village and Community Councils, as well as between community members themselves. Prospective partners for this workshop includes local schools, religious institutions, and community groups. Potential outcomes could include an increase in civic engagement within the communities, as well as stronger connections between community members.

Functions of this project could include:

  • Organizing events and initiatives to promote community engagement
  • Providing resources to support engagement efforts
  • Facilitating connections between community members
  • Measuring the impact of engagement efforts on civic participation
Your Capacity is Important...

Do you Need More Information on our Training and Schedules?

We are just a short message away, feel free to contact us with your inquiries.

The Trinidad and Tobago Association of Village and Community Councils (TTAVCC)
LP1 La Fantasie Rd, St. Anns Port-of-Spain, TT, W.I.
+1 868 744 9990 /